๐Ÿ’ฐ Revenue Sharing

Hilo revenue sharing will be provided on the UNCX platform, a safe, reliable, and well-established platform in this space.

The pool will continuously increase as we add our revenue that we share from the dApp. STAKING WALLET/CONTRACT: https://etherscan.io/token/0xbb9fd9fa4863c03c574007ff3370787b9ce65ff6?a=0xb59a93eab4059c58d33b0c29fe4fa3f3433997cc

This means that the APR should stabilize and rise slowly since we are sharing real revenue and not minting tokens. The minimum lock period is 30 days, and the range is from 1,000 tokens to 2,000,000 tokens.

Rewards will start being distributed on August 31st.

This is your chance to benefit from our dApp that will continuously grow and generate more income, resulting in higher rewards and an overall higher APR.

How to Earn Revenue:

Last updated