Header Menu Features and Functionalities

1. Profile Button:

  • Account Customization: Upon clicking, users gain access to a plethora of personal settings: changing usernames, emails, and profile pictures.

  • Enhanced Security: Add further layers of security with options like two-factor authentication and phone number linkage.

  • Password Management: Facilitates easy password change for maintaining account integrity.

2. Notifications Button:

  • Instant Updates: A comprehensive hub of all user-specific notifications, from successfully placed bets to withdrawals and deposits, ensuring users are always in the loop.

3. Chat Button:

  • Community Engagement: Launches the side chat, connecting users with the broader Hilo Market community, fostering a vibrant discussion platform. The chat can be conveniently hidden or displayed based on user preference.

4. Language Selection:

  • Global Usability: Users can easily toggle between major world languages, ensuring that the platform caters to a global audience seamlessly.

5. Cashier Button:

  • Flexible Transactions: Directs users to the deposit and withdrawal section, supporting a wide array of major tokens such as Ethereum, BNB, Bitcoin, Arbitrum, etc.

  • Multi-Chain Support: Users benefit from the versatility of multiple chain options like BSC, Ethereum, and Arbitrum blockchains.

  • Unique Deposit Addresses: Each user gets a specifically generated address to deposit any coin without the need to connect third-party wallets like Metamask. This simplifies the deposit process and ensures funds' safety.

6. Balance Display:

  • Instant Financial Overview: At a glance, users can monitor their token balance available for use within the dApp.

Last updated