Account Creation

  1. Initial Access: Upon visiting the app, users are prompted to either log in or register.

  2. Registration Options:

    • Users can swiftly register using their existing Google, Facebook, or Twitter accounts.

    • Alternatively, registration via email is also available.

  3. Email-Based Registration:

    • Users enter their email and choose a password.

    • A verification email is sent with a code.

    • Once the code is entered, the account's email address is verified.

  4. Finalizing Account Setup:

    • Post-verification, users are prompted to select a unique username.

    • An option to enable two-factor authentication is presented, enhancing account security. This can be activated using either the verified email or by adding a phone number.

  5. Profile Customization: Finally, users have the option to add a profile photo, completing their account setup.

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